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Mouse over to open navigation menu for this sub site.xThe fastest disappearing landmass on earth is occurring in the Barataria and Terrebonne estuaries.
This rapid coastal land loss is indiscriminate in the habitats and landforms being washed away. Often overlooked are the remnant chenier ridges and maritime forests, the “high land”, in an otherwise vast expanse of wetlands. However, these ridges and maritime forests are critically important habitat to the millions of Neotropical migratory birds that pass through each spring and fall along the Mississippi Flyway. Without these ridges and maritime forests and the food and protection their trees afford, far fewer birds could be supported along this critically important migration route.

By collecting native seeds and stock to grow out plants at our production facility, BTNEP strives to continue its efforts in habitat restoration.

Fact Sheets
Discover what our Native Plant Production Program has been up to!